舞動肢體來學:Body idioms 

撰 文 ◎ Fish

Vocabulary & Phrase

1. head for 前往、朝某個方向去。 

例: I think we'd better head for the station.  我想我們最好動身前往車站。

2. to be all ears 專心傾聽。將耳朵張開聽人說話,即是指「專心傾聽」。

例: The professor is explaining the assignment now so you'd better to be all ears. 教授正在解釋這次的作業,你最好仔細聽。

3. to be nosy 小心某人。我們常說「嗅出端倪」,表示鼻子作為嗅覺器官可以察覺事情的蛛絲馬跡,用在人身上便可指「小心某人對自己做出不利的行為」。 

例:You should be nosy with these people, in my opinion, they are untrustworthy. 你應該小心這些人,在我看來他們都不值得信任。

4. to keep a stiff upper lip 嚴肅、面無表情。人在很嚴肅時往往會扳著一張臉,把嘴形壓得扁扁的,有人甚至會咬著上嘴唇。英文即用「stiff」(僵硬)來形容這個表情。

例: What happen to Miguel? Why does he keep a stiff upper lip? 米蓋怎麼了?為什麼他這麼嚴肅?

5. to stick one's neck out 冒著危險。脖子是連接腦袋和身體的重要部位,因此當你把脖子伸出去時也就代表將頭伸出去,這可是很危險的行為。 

例: Even though my colleague told me not to put all the eggs in the same basket, I am still willing to stick my neck out.  即使我的同事叫我不要孤注一擲,我還是願意冒這個險。

6. to shoulder 承擔、擔負責任。中國人說「肩負重任」,即肩膀是承載重量與壓力的地方,所以用這個部位來表示「負責」是再適合不過了。 

例:As the man of the house, John shoulders all the responsibilities.  身為一家之主,約翰擔負起一切責任。

7. to back someone's up 支持。一個人勢單力薄,但當身後多站了幾個人時,就顯得自信有力量,所以此片語即表示在背後支持某人。 

例: I am not afraid of you anymore because I have my family and friends to back me up. 我不再怕你了,因為我有家人和朋友為我撐腰。

8. to elbow 反擊、對抗。在人多的場合裡若想要占有一席之地或往前走去,勢必要用手肘推開或阻擋別人的推擠;英文直接用elbow表示此一動作。 

例:Eva had to elbow her way through the crowd of people.  艾娃必須在人群中殺出一條血路。

9. to thumb one's way 搭便車。此片語源於外國人常會在路邊豎起大姆指表示想搭便車,若經過的駕駛人願意載他一程,即可省下交通費到達目的地,只是通常得轉好幾次車。

例:They decided to thumb their way across Europe because hitch-hiking was the cheapest way to go. 他們決定以搭便車的方式旅遊歐洲,因為這是最便宜的方法。

10 .to butt in  插隊。butt是口語化的「屁股」,當一群人在排隊時某人將他的大屁股擠進來,不正是插隊的意思? 

例:Everyone hates it when someone butts in a lineup of people. 每個人都很討厭插隊的人。

11. to get cold feet 緊張。有些人緊張時會手腳冰冷、「皮皮挫」,英文即抓住這個特徵發展為一個片語。 

例:Every time Mary thinks about standing on the stage to give a lecture, she gets cold feet.  每次瑪麗想到要上台演講,就緊張到不行。

12 .to put one's foot down 堅決、意志堅定。大家是否看過小孩子在要不到東西時會跺腳表示生氣、非要不可?因此片語「把一隻腳放下來」便用來形容「意志堅定」。 
例:No matter what you say this time, I put my foot down. 這次不論你說什麼,我都堅持我的立場。

Tea Time

A man phoned his doctor saying his wife appeared to have appendicitis.
"That's impossible," the physician replied. "She had an appendectomy last year. Have you ever seen anybody with a second appendix?"
"No," the husband replied. "Have you ever seen anybody with a second wife?"

* appendicitis 盲腸炎、appendectomy 盲腸切除手術、appendix 盲腸

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