撰文 ◎ 魚兒

Well goes the proverb, "You must lose a fly to catch a trout1", and I can't agree with it more. For example, you have to sacrifice your leisure time for study to get better grades , or you need to put aside some interests and dedicate more time to studying so that you may enter an ideal college in the future. However, there is still a key involved — you must not put the cart before the horse2.



1. You must lose a fly to catch a trout. 有捨才有得


例:What is done is done. Let it go! You must lose a fly to catch a trout. 既已成事實,就別再掛念了吧!有捨才有得啊!

2. put the cart before the horse 本末倒置


例:" Peter is handsome because he is popular" is an expression that puts the cart before the horse. 「彼得因為受歡迎而俊俏」是種本末倒置的說法。


To get great progress in academic performance, a large percentage of students have tried to find some methods with instant effects, such as skipping the textbooks and taking the organized materials as their bible. It's like reading a book upside down3. They might say it's the way not to waste the money their parents spent, but as the matter of fact, they forget that putting everything in schedule is the best way to have one's cake and eat it4. The accessory materials are designed to "assist" one, not to increase the burden. So, don't bark the wrong tree5.


3. upside down 顛倒地、混亂地(副詞片語)


例:These naughty children's energy of making the house upside down always surprises  me.  這群頑皮小孩將房子弄得一團亂的精力總教我大吃一驚。

4. have one's cake and eat it 兼得魚與熊掌

一般都以否定形式出現(can't have one's cake and eat it);而事實上合乎邏輯的正確說法應為“can't eat your cake and have it”,即「一個人不可能吃了蛋糕後又還擁有它」,接近中文說的「魚與熊掌不可兼得」。但由於此一片語自十六世紀使用至今都以此方式出現,故已成為習慣用語。 

例:Jason dreams of  having the cake and eat it  to go out with beautiful Ivy and date intelligent Debra  at the same time.傑森夢想著兼得魚與熊掌,那就是同時和美麗的艾薇與  聰慧的黛博拉交往。

5. bark the wrong tree 搞錯對象、白忙一場


例:Ida went to the  next door for the noise but came back with embarrassment because she barked the wrong tree. 愛達因噪音問題到隔壁理論,卻因為找錯對象而尷尬地回來。


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