英文也有說文解字 (1) serve、sist、pose 

撰文 ◎ 張世杰


serve 服務;服役

A good way to conserve1 the monthly expenses is to decrease the frequency to be served2 inrestaurants. When you decide to dine at home, don't forget to reserve3 enough space in the refrigerator to preserve4 your food, or it will easily get rotten in summer.


1. conserve  保存、保護、節省。con-有「with、together」(共同)之意。

例: Policemen's jobs are to conserve the safety of the people.  警察的職責就是保護人民的安全。

2. serve 服務、服役。 

例:Alternative service is very popular now instead of serving in the army.  除了下部隊服役之外,如今替代役也相當受歡迎。

3. reserve 保留、預定。re有「back、again」(往後、一再)的意思。

例:Do you reserve a room in Taipei for your business trip next week? 你有為下星期的台北商務行預訂房間嗎?

4. preserve 保存、防腐。pre為「before」(在……之前)。

例:Food must be carefully preserved in summer, or it will be rotten. 在夏天,食物一定要小心保存,否則會腐壞。


* deserve 應得  *observ 看到、觀察、遵行

-sis to stand;to set up 站立

A basketball team consists1 of five players occupying different positions. Every member should assist2 each other to resist3 the competition of other teams. The best way to win the game is never desist4 from striving and persist5 the goal to defeat all opponents.


1. consist 組成(+ of)。together@wf(para)的字首加上stand的字根,即共同站立「組成」某物。

例:A computer consists of different parts, such motherboard, hard disk, and cooling fans. 一台電腦係由不同的零件所組成,像是主機板、硬碟和風扇。

2. assist 幫助。as有「toward」(朝向)之意,合併起來即有在旁邊「幫忙」之意。

例:Thank you for assisting us to complete our final report.  謝謝你幫助我們完成期末報告。

3. resist 抵抗 。back stand縮腳不願起身,便需要「抵抗」。

例:When the government is corrupt, people will stand up to resist unreasonable policies.  一旦政府開始腐敗,人民就會挺身抵抗不合理的政策。

4. desist 停止 (+ from)。de是「down from 、away」(向下、遠離),與sist合在一起便有「停止」的意味。

例:The policeman never desists from looking for evidence.  警察從不停止搜尋證據。

5. persist 堅持、固執(in/with)。per為「through、thorough out」(穿過、徹底),徹底 地站著即是「固執」。

例:It is you that have to persist in your goal to make your own life fulfilled.  你要堅持自己的理想才能讓人生更豐富。


* insist 堅持主張、堅決認為(that + clause/on)  * subsist 存在於、維持生活

pose to:put ; to place 放置;擺放

Suppose1 one day you become an official to dispose2 of public affairs, however,your corruption is exposed3. Will you just resign or wait to be deposed? Most people will propose5 that you should leave the position. If you oppose6, can you explain the reasons and purposeto the public?


1. suppose 假想、認為。sup有「down」(在……之下)的意思。

例:Most people suppose he is guilty for corruption.  大多數人認為他犯了貪汙罪。

2. dispose 布置、處理(+ of )。dis為「away」之意。

例:The FBI has disposed an insider to monitor the illegal trading.  FBI已經布置了一個臥底監視非法交易。

3. expose 揭露、暴露。ex是「out」(朝外),將擺放的東西向外放,即是「暴露」

例:Expose yourself in the English environment is a good way to improve English skills. 置身在一個英文環境中是改進英文能力的好方法。

4. depose 革職、罷免。away from place不在其位,便有「罷免」之意。

例:It is never easy to depose the authority.  要罷免當政者向來不容易。

5. propose 提議(+Ving)/(+ )that)。pro有「forward、ahead」(向前、前面)的

例:It is proposed having a barbecue this weekend.  有人提議這個週末去烤肉。

6. oppose 反對。op是「against」(反對)的意思。

例: Why do you oppose the child care policy?  你為什麼反對兒童保護政策?

7. purpose 目的。

例:The main purpose to be a doctor is to save more people from death and pain.  當醫生的主要目的是要拯救更多人遠離死亡和痛苦。


* compose 構成   * impose 課稅  * interpose 介入、插話
* repose 躺、使休息 * transpose 調換、轉調


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