超高效率 單字記憶法 

經過先前的介紹,各位同學是否已經慢慢熟悉使用超高效率單字記憶法?是否感覺到超高效率單字記憶法的魅力呢?這回要介紹的是「字首re-、字根flu、字尾ate」,動動你的腦筋繼續往前邁進吧,Let's go!

撰文 ◎ 煥 睿

Prefix 字 首


1. rebel   v.i.   謀反
re + bell (又引起戰爭 → 謀反)
= again + war

例:Students who rebelled their tecahers are often considered bad students. 反抗老師的學生常常被認為是壞學生。

2. recognize   v.t.   認出
re + cogn + ize(使再次認識 → 認出)
= again + know + v.字尾

例:Having not seen John for a long time , I recognized him as soon as I saw him. 很久沒見到約翰了,可我一看到就出他來。

3. relieve   v.t.   減輕
re + lieve (再次舉起 → 減輕)
= again + raise

例:The medicine can relieve stomachaches very effectively. 這種藥可以很有效地減輕骨痛。

4. reluctant   adj.   不願意的
re + luct + ant (不願努力 →不願意的)
= back + struggle + adj.字尾

例:James is very selfish , so he is reluctant to help other people. 詹姆士很自私,所以他不願意幫助別人。

5. require   v.t.   要求
re + quire (再次追求 → 要求)
= again + seek

例:All the students are required to hand in their homework on time. 所有的學生都被要求要準時交作業。

6. resemble   v.t.   相像
re + semble
(再次看到相同的東西 → 相像)
 = again + like

例:I can't tell Tom and Joe apart because they resemble each other very much. 我無法分辨湯姆跟喬,因為他們非常相像。

Root 字 根


1. fluent   adj.   流暢的
flu + ent (流動的樣子 → 流暢的)
= flow + adj.字尾

例:After Cathy paracticing hard , she can speak fluent French now. 凱西經過努力練習之後,她現在可以說得一口流利的法文。

2. fluid   adj.   流質的
flu + id (流動的 → 流質的)
= flow + adj.字尾

例:Because Jay got a fever , he could only ate something fluid. 傑因為發燒只能吃些流質的食物。

3. affluent   adj.   富裕的
af + flu + ent (一直流進來 → 富裕的)
= to + flow + adj.字尾

例: Although Taiwam has been an affluent society, it still hsa many social problems. 雖然台灣已是個富裕的社會,但仍有許多的社會問題。

4. influence   v.t. / n.   影響
in + flu + ence(流入其中 → 影響)
= in + flow + n.字尾

例:His master's degree has a great influence on his career. 他的碩士學位對他的事業很有影響。

5. overflow   v.i.   溢出
over + flow (過多流出 → 溢出)
= 過多 + 流出

例:The kitchen overflowed everywhere because Mark forgot to turn off the faucet. 因為馬克忘記關水龍頭,廚房溢得到處是水。

6. superfluous   adj.   多餘的
super + flu + ous (過多流出 → 多餘的)
= over + flow + adj.字尾

例:The students taking the exam were so well-behaved that the teachers present were superfluous. 參加這次考試的學生秩序是如此良好,以致於在場的老師顯得有些多餘。
Suffix 字 尾

這回接續介紹的是ate動詞字尾,意為make (使)。

1. accommodate   v.t.   容納
ac + com + mod + ate
(使合乎時宜 → 容納)
= to + together + manner + v.字尾

例:The stadium, which can accommodate 5000 people, is very magnificent. 這座可容納5000人的體育館非常壯觀。

2. congratulate   v.t.   祝賀
con + gratu + late
(把快樂聚集在一起 →祝賀)
= together + pleasing +carry

例:I congratulate you on your great success in the concert. 祝你演唱會大成功。

3. fascinate   v.t.   使著迷
fascin + ate
(施魔咒 → 使著迷)
= spell + v.字尾

例:I was much fascinated to see the girl dance gracefully. 這女孩優雅的舞姿令我十分著迷。

4. navigate   v.i.   航行
nav + ig + ate
(在海中開船 → 航行)
= sea + drive + v.字尾

例:The splendid ship navigated to Mew York as scheduled. 這艘壯觀的船如期航向紐約。


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