consist of, be composed of, comprise


最常用的動詞為consist of, be composed of, comprise等,但要注意consist of是不能用被動語態,而be composed of卻只能用被動語態,而comprise則主被動語態皆可用。常用句型如下:

1. Brass is an alloy composed of two metals, zinc and copper. 黃銅是由兩種金屬鋅和銅所組成的合金。

2. Communicative translation consists of the following competences: 溝通式翻譯包含下列的能力:

3. There is less agreement on what the competences that make up the cognitive system of the native translator might be. 對什麼構成母語人士譯者認知系統的能力,很少有共識。

4. Four different components make up the construct of communicative competence. 四個不同部分構成溝通能力的概念。

5. Women constitute only 9.4 percent of electrical engineers. 電機工程師中女性只占百分之9.4。

6. Eleven English morphemes constitute only a minute portion of English syntax, and therefore lack generalization. 十一個英文詞素僅構成英文語法的微小部分,因此缺乏普遍性。

7. Strategies are constituted by minimal problem-solving steps. 策略是由解決問題的小型步驟所組成。

8. These strategies encompass a wide range of learning behaviors that can help learners become more autonomous. 這些策略包含廣泛的學習行為,而且可以幫助學習者更自主



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